Morning Stretch

Getting out of your cozy Lenox bed in the morning can be difficult. That alarm goes off and you snooze one extra time, but alas, the day is bright and you have things to do! One way to start your day off right is with a morning stretch.
Our team takes their morning stretches very seriously. At 8AM each day, our housekeeping team gathers for their daily line-up meeting to discuss the details of the day from how many guests are arriving and departing to supply deliveries as well as other operational happenings. But the most important part of the meeting is the morning stretch, led by our Executive Housekeeper, Lewis Ware. Lewis starts with a stretch to the ceiling and ends with a toe touch, helping the team prime their muscles for the physical challenges of their shifts. The result? An energized team that works together and is ready to take on the day!
How can you get up for your day at The Lenox? Get up and stretch, head to our fitness room, or take a walk down Newbury Street! Stay happy and healthy!